Claim Q&A

1.  What is the best way to contact OrbitProtect about your claims?

For all claims related issues, the only way to contact us is through our Online Claims System. It’s your single access point for information, updates and messaging us.

You’ll benefit from using our Online Claims System because:

  • It’s quick. For things like getting a status update on your claim, you don’t have to wait to talk to a Case Officer. All information is already in the system and you can see all your history too. If you have some other question as our Case Officers are alerted when you leave a message, they’ll message you back soon. You will be notified via email to check our Claims System for an update on your claim
  • It’s secure. All your messaging to us and our messaging to you is protected by our advanced security. This means your personal details and medical information are protected.
  • It keeps everything in one place. Unlike phone calls, emails and texts, all the information about your claim is kept in one place so you and us have a clear view on our communications and progress on your claim is easily tracked and managed.

2.   How do I make a claim?

First time user:

Before you can make a claim, you'll need to set up an account with us.

  1. Click Make a Claim to go our Claims system login page.
  2. In the Claims Login window, click Register account.
  3. In the Register an Account window, enter your email address and click ‘I’m not a robot’, then click Submit Registration. We'll send an email, with a temporary password, to the address you gave us.
  4. Click the link in the email to go to a new login page. Enter your email and the temporary password, then click Login.

Note: Within 48 hours of receiving our email you must change the temporary password to a personal password. For instructions on how to change your password, click Claims System User Guide.

Returning user:

  1. Go to the Claims Login page. Enter your email and your password, then click Login.
  2. From the top menu bar, click Make a Claim.
  3. Enter information about your claim in the form.You will need details of your claim and have copies of receipts ready to upload.
  4. Read the declarations, terms and conditions and click the tick box for each if you agree.
  5. When you have provided all the information requested, click Submit Claim.
  6. In the Submit Claim pop up box, click Submit Claim to confirm you wish to submit the claim. Your new claim will be displayed in the Dashboard with Submitted claim status showing

For more assistance with making a claim, click Claims System User Guide. If you need further help, please contact us on 0800 478 833, email

3.   How do I get a password?

If you’re a first time user, you’ll need to set up an account with us. See ‘How do I make a claim / / First time user’ above.

If you’ve already set up an account, you will need to get a new password. See ‘How do I get a new password?’, below.

4.   How do I get a new password?

  1. Go to the Claims Login page, click
  2. Enter your email address, then click Send me my Password. We'll send an email with a temporary password to the address you gave us.
  3. Click the link in the email to go to a new login window. Enter your email and the temporary password, then click Login.

Note: Within 48 hours of receiving our email you must change the temporary password to a personal password. For instructions on how to change your password, click Claims System User Guide.

5.   Where do I find my policy number?

Your policy number is on your Certificate of Insurance.

Your Certificate of Insurance should have been sent to you by email or provided to you by the organisation you purchased your insurance policy from. If you think your Certificate of Insurance was sent to you by email, check your spam/junk email folder. If you don't have your Certificate of Insurance, contact the organisation you purchased your insurance policy from or contact us on 0800 478 833 or send us an email through our contact page

6.   How do I change my password?

  1. Go to the Claims Login page.
  2. From the top menu bar, click My Account.
  3. In the drop down menu, click Settings.
  4. In the My Account window, click the Change Password tab. Enter your current password, then your new password.
  5. Enter your new password again to confirm.
  6. Click Change Password to complete the password change.

7.   My claim has been approved.   How long before I receive my refund (payment)?

Payment will be made within 3 to 5 working days from the date of the payment message posted by your case officer.

Note: depending on your bank's transfer arrangements, the payment may take another day or two to show in your account.

8.   How do I find out the status of my claim?

  1. Go to the Claims Login page.
  2. Enter your email and your password, then click Login.
  3. On the Dashboard, you can see your claim status to the right of the claim summary details. See the FAQ, below, on claims status labels. Click anywhere on the claim summary details to see further information about your claim.

Note: If you have more than one claim in progress, make sure you’re looking at the information for the correct claim.

9.   My claim status says ‘Submitted’.   What does that mean?

We've received your claim. It will soon be allocated to a Case Officer.

10.   My claim status says ‘Processing’.   What does that mean?

We have allocated your claim to a Case Officer. Your Case Officer will respond within 3 to 5 working days.

11.   My claim status says ‘Paid’.   What does that mean?

It means your claim has been finalised. Payment will be made within 3 to 5 working days from the date of the payment message posted by your case officer.

Note: Depending on your bank's transfer arrangements, the payment may take another day or two to show in your account.

12.   My claim status says ‘Declined’.   What does that mean?

We will take no further action on this claim. Claims are declined for various reasons. For example, your claim may be for a situation that is not covered by the policy.

Check the latest message on our Claims system for further information on why your claim has been declined.

We’re always happy to review claims. Click here if you wish to find out about our disputes process.

13.   My claim status says ‘Closed’.   What does that mean?

We will take no further action on this claim. Claims are closed for various reasons. For example, if your claim relates to a previous claim you've made, to simplify things we add the later claim details to the earlier one. The later claim is then closed. Other examples are provided below under ‘Why has my claim been closed?’.

Check the latest message on our Claims system for further information on why your claim has been closed.

14.   Why has my claim been closed?

There are various reasons why a claim is closed. Check the latest message about your claim on our Claims system for further information.


  • The claim may have been submitted under the wrong category, such as property when it should be travel. We just close the claim and ask you to create another under the correct category.
  • You've made multiple claims for an ongoing medical issue. To simplify processing we may group all the claims under one number. The other claims are then closed.
  • We didn't receive any response to our requests and reminders for further information. Accordingly, we’ve assumed you no longer wish for us to consider your claim, and we’ve marked it 'closed'.

15.   The medical condition I claimed for before has come back.   Should I make a new claim?

Please don’t make a new claim. We will re-open the earlier claim, if it’s been closed. Just add the information to the earlier claim. If you’re unsure about what to do, please contact us on 0800 478 833 or email

16.   Is there a time limit for making a claim?

As per your policy your claim should be made within 21 days of the occurrence of the claim event.

17.   Why do I have to register? I gave you my details when I bought the policy.  

At time of policy purchase we don't ask for details like your bank account number or your local New Zealand address. We request these details (once only) when you come to register a claim with us.

18.   I need to go to the dentist.   Will I be covered?

If you're in pain or worried about your teeth, you should see a dentist as soon as possible

Our cover varies depending on your plan. Please check our policy wordings.

For example:

  • We do cover temporary dressings but we don’t cover fillings.
  • We do provide cover for extractions except for baby and wisdom teeth.

Please note that there is no dental cover provided under the Working Holiday plan. 

19.   Am I required to make a claim to ACC?

Yes, you are for injuries. Your doctor should lodge a claim with ACC for you at the time of your doctor’s visit. In New Zealand most accident injury and medication cover are provided by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), a New Zealand government entity, even if you’re not a resident. For expenses not covered by ACC, please lodge a claim for us to assess.

 For more information go to

20.   I need to see a doctor.   Will I be covered?

If you're in pain or worried about your health, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

You can then lodge a claim for us to assess. Most treatment situations are covered however there are some situations they may not be covered. Please check our policy wordings for more details.


  • For injuries, you are required to lodge a claim with ACC. Your doctor should lodge the claim for you
  • Remember to request medical notes from your doctor. This will help speed up the claim process.
  • We don’t cover treatment for pre-existing conditions unless agreed by us earlier.
  • All the invoices that you attach to your online claim must include a GST number.
  • If you need surgery or hospitalisation, register and make a claim online for pre-approval. We recommend that you request a pre-approval at least 5 working days prior to surgery or hospitalisation to help you avoid uncertainty about whether your claim will be covered or not.

21.   Can I fill out the claim form in my own language?

Sorry, all claim must be completed in English.

22.   What do I need to support a property claim?

You’ll need to prove ownership of your stolen or lost property.

  • Upload scans or images of your receipts/invoices, when you submit your claim.
  • Keep the original receipts/invoices on hand (including those that were issued overseas) in case we request that you post them to us.
  • If you don’t have receipts/invoices, we may request for you to send in the remaining accessories of your lost/stolen items, such as manuals, adaptors, photos of the items, cases etc. Specify your claim number on the envelope or parcel when you post these to us.
  • Don’t dispose of any accessories for items that you wish to claim for.

23.   What do I need to do if I’ve had property stolen? (Also for lost property)

  • Notify the police immediately and obtain a police report.
  • If you think you lost an item, try to think of likely places you might have lost it, such as on the bus or in a shop. Advise the place where the items were lost if possible. For example: transport operators, shopping mall customer service, etc.
  • Provide as much description as possible on the property you are claiming for. For example: if claiming for a laptop provide brand name, model and date of purchase. See ‘What do I need to support a property claim?’, above.

24.   I want to make a claim for electronic goods (laptop, camera etc).   What do I need to do?

  • If you’re claiming for a damaged laptop, we will organize for a repairer to assess the condition and cost of repairing or replacing your laptop.
  • If you’re claiming for damaged electronic goods (other than laptops/computers), please obtain and attach a written report on the damage (must include cause and resulting damage) as well as a repair quote when you submit your claim online.
  • If the repairer advises the item is not repairable, please send us the damaged item, including all accessories, and the damage report. Specify your claim number on the envelope or parcel when you post these to us
  • If you’re claiming for lost or stolen electronic goods, you’ll need to prove ownership of your lost or stolen items. Please see ‘What do I need to support a property claim?’, above.

25.   I have been involved in an incident.   I could be held liable.   What do I do?

  • Never admit liability. Don’t take the blame, don’t admit any fault on your part.
  • Advise the third party to submit a claim to their insurance company and tell them who you are insured with.
  • If the third party refuses to submit the claim to their insurance company or if they are not insured, provide your insurance details to them and have them contact us.

26.   When should I lodge a claim?

If you are unsure whether we will cover your cost(s), you should still make a claim with us so we can assess your claim. As soon as you provide us with the information we require, our case officer(s) can assess your claim to see if we can agree to pay for the cost(s) you incurred.

You should lodge your claim within 21 days of when you incurred your cost(s). The sooner you lodge your claim the sooner we can work on your claim.


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