Case Study 2 - Accidental Death

Posted 일 13 May 2021

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On an overcast morning in spring 2018, OrbitProtect was alerted to a tragic road accident. One of our policyholders was struck by a car while crossing a busy road in Christchurch, along with two other pedestrians. She sustained critical injuries and was taken to Christchurch Hospital by ambulance.

Our client was a 28-year old international student who arrived in New Zealand in April that year. As an international student, she would not have been eligible to receive free state hospital care in New Zealand. However, in this case, as she had sustained injuries from an accident, most of her medical injury costs were covered by ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). As a visitor injured in New Zealand, she received the same ACC cover as everyone else, even if she was not a New Zealand resident.

The doctors found that she had seriously injured her head. Her prognosis was not good. Her brother and her mother were quick to book flights to Christchurch to be with her. They were relieved that OrbitProtect paid for the cost of their return flights. In this circumstance, the injured’s relatives accommodation costs in Christchurch were also covered by her OrbitProtect International Student policy.

Tragically, the student passed away shortly after her admission to the hospital. As someone who died from an injury that happened in New Zealand, ACC was able to provide financial support in the form of a funeral grant. The grant provided by ACC was approximately 60% of the total cost to repatriate her remains to her home country. OrbitProtect covered the remaining costs incurred.

In a time of loss, the family would not have expected to receive any other payout over and above their costs to travel to New Zealand to be with her. The OrbitProtect Student policy provides a death benefit payout to the next of kin of the deceased. In this case, the death benefit payout amounted to $50,000. While nothing can completely relieve the pain of losing a loved one, the death benefit payout has undoubtedly helped ease the burden and grief of their loss.

OrbitProtect Insurance not only has the policyholder in mind but the loved ones that are left behind.

Related link:

OrbitProtect International Student policy wordings

OrbitProtect International Student brochures

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