Working Holiday Insurance

Pre-existing Medical

If you require Working Holiday Insurance and have an existing medical condition, you will need to apply for pre-existing medical conditions cover as you are NOT automatically covered. Your pre-existing medical conditions cover can be arranged in certain circumstances. 

If you require pre-existing medical conditions cover, please contact us. You can email us on or telephone 0800 478 833 (within NZ) or +64 3 434 8151 (outside of NZ).

Our medical team will be in touch to assess if we could provide cover for your existing medical condition. You will be charged an additional fee of NZ$45 for the assessment. Should we agree to provide cover for your pre-existing medical conditions, you will need to pay an additional premium over and above the base premium charged.

You will be notified as to the outcome of the assessment via email. 

Please note that should we accept your Working Holiday Insurance application to include the pre-existing medical conditions as part of your policy, we will provide cover for acute episodes of your condition only, not for any ongoing maintenance treatment of your condition (maintenance treatment means regular treatment/medication to keep your condition under control). Additional premium over and above your base premium applies for your pre-existing medical conditions cover.

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