Planning to work in horticulture / viticulture in New Zealand?

OrbitProtect Seasonal Worker Insurance plans are designed specifically for the protection of overseas horticulture and viticulture workers in New Zealand.

Employers can choose from two insurance plans: Seasonal Worker or RSE Protect.

Option 1: Seasonal Worker Insurance

  • Medical care
  • Medical evacuation
  • Loss of deposits
  • Property Cover

Option 2: RSE Protect (our more comprehensive cover)

  • Medical care
  • Medical evacuation
  • Loss of deposits
  • Property cover
  • Option to remain in NZ for more medical treatment














Why choose OrbitProtect?

OrbitProtect’s comprehensive cover features ongoing treatment coverage in New Zealand, even after you are deemed medically able to return to your home country.

  • Our Seasonal Worker plan has a $5,000 benefit for further treatment in New Zealand.
  • Our RSE Protect plan has a $100,000 benefit for further treatment in New Zealand. It also offers a higher benefit limit than Seasonal Worker plan for accidental death and death from coronary artery disease.
  • Both plans also offer a $500 benefit option to cover pre-existing medical conditions.


OrbitProtect Benefits

  • An easy claim-free payment card system, accepted at almost 200 medical providers, GPs and pharmacies nationwide.
  • No excess for General Practitioner (GP) fees or pharmacy charges.
  • Convenient online access for employers, so they can manage individual worker policy details.
  • Cover for the costs of a return trip to your home country, if there is sudden death or life-threatening matter concerning a family member.
  • Optional cover for personal effects cover if you need it.
  • Customary travel cover, for things like disrupted international travel, loss of pre-paid travel costs and personal liability including rental accommodation.

You can find all the details of our Seasonal Worker and RSE Protect plans here.

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