Experience NZ Insurance

Cover Summary

We know how unique New Zealand is and have tailored the Experience NZ medical travel insurance plans to suit  the New Zealand environment.

Manual Work

Our Experience NZ plans give you the option to choose manual work as part of your base plan for general farming (excluding any activity relating to forestry), building and related trades. (Additional premium applies when choosing to add manual work cover to base plans). 

Medical Care

Most of your medical care will be covered from unexpected illness, or if you suffer an accident or injury. We will pay for your doctor, hospital and day care treatment costs. The NZ Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is by law, the primary provider and payor of cover for injuries that occur in New Zealand. It's important to also look through your policy document to understand the conditions that we don't cover.

Medical Evacuation

In serious circumstances, as a result of injury or illness, you may need to be returned to your country of origin. At such a stressful time, we will help you by taking care of the costly expenses involved, allowing you to totally focus on what is most important - your recovery.


The Experience NZ Prime plan provides you with a generous amount of cover for your baggage and personal effects. Under our Experience NZ Lite plan, you can select a lower property limit or choose to leave property out of your cover. If you select a lower property limit under the Experience NZ Lite plan, then an additional premium applies. Please refer to our premiums table for the additional premium.

Individual high-valued items

The Experience NZ Prime plan gives you full cover for any items (like cameras or computers) that are valued over NZ$2,500 when you specify these items on the application form. You can also specify items you want to be covered under the Experience NZ Lite plan (additional premiums apply).

Pre-existing medical conditions

You are NOT automatically covered for pre-existing medical conditions. However, cover can be arranged in certain circumstances. Assessment cost of $45 per application applies. Should we agree to provide cover for your pre-existing medical conditions, an additional premium over and above your base premium will be charged.

Special medical benefit

There are advantages in continuing unbroken cover with us. Please contact us for more information.


When you make a claim with us, an excess is the amount you need to contribute.

On the Experience NZ plans, you will a $75 excess on all claims, except those made under Section 3.6 Travel Delay and Section 3.7 Emergency Clothing and Toiletries (Experience NZ Prime plans only). This means that when we settle your claim, we deduct $75 from the amount we pay back to you.

Please note that if you or any of your insured family are undertaking study while on this plan, we will waive the $75 excess for Section 2 Medical Cover for the person who is studying.

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